About Me

I am Refnaldy Putra, a UI/UX designer and WordPress Developer with nearly two years of experience in the technology industry. I have a strong passion for technology. When working on UI/UX design, I am accustomed to using style guides and design systems. I continually adapt to technological advancements and actively participate in the community. My hope is to assist many people with the skills I possess.

Our key Features

Creating Inspirational Digital Experiences, Serving Your Success.


My Mission

Empowering your business through exceptional design. I am committed to providing the best solutions, fostering close partnerships with clients, and constantly pursuing innovation. I aim to help you succeed in this digital era.


My Goals

Turning every project of yours into a shared success. Prioritizing client satisfaction and continually improving oneself, understanding the latest trends, and ensuring that every project yields exceptional results.


Why Me?

When you choose my services, you are choosing professionalism, creativity, and a commitment to your success. Every project I undertake is driven with dedication and expertise. I am a trusted partner to help you achieve your business goals in the competitive digital world.



Jan 2023 — Until Now​


UI & UX Designer

The projects that have been worked on :
  1. E-Commerce Application
  2. Point of Sales (POS) Application
  3. Company Website

Jan 2022 — Jan 2023

Flower Beauty Clinic

UI & UX Designer

Job Description as a UI/UX Designer at a Flower Beauty Clinic :
  1. Responsible for developing and improving existing systems in the company with a touch of UI/UX design.

  2. Responsible for creating mobile applications to meet consumer needs, enabling them to purchase products and view their medical history.

  3. Responsible for creating management applications to efficiently handle employee attendance, salaries, company revenue, expenses, and company assets.

  4. Responsible for developing a mobile cashier (POS) application intended to serve as a company IT product.

Nov 2021 — Jan 2022

Donasi Rumah Tahfizh

UI & UX Designer

Job Description as a UI/UX Designer at a Donasi Rumah Tahfidz :
  1. Responsible for redesigning the dashboard admin to make it look more attractive and easier to understand.
  2. Responsible for organizational graphic design tasks, such as creating banners, flyer campaigns, and managing social media.



May 2017 — May 2021

Institut Pertanian Stiper Yogyakarta

S1 – Bachelor Degree of Agribusiness (IPK 3.69)